Aksaray University
Department of Library and Documentation
Ulakbim Ulusal Veri Tabanları

TR Directory being created by ULAKBİM;

It consists of journals in the main subjects of Science and Social Sciences, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Basic Sciences, Health Sciences, Veterinary, Social and Human Sciences.

TR Index can be scanned on the web page since August 2000. In addition to the bibliographic information (article name, author, abstract, etc.) of the articles of the journals in the index, the full texts of the articles can also be accessed depending on the participation permit agreement signed between the ULAKBİM directorate and the journal editors.

These databases are:

Turkish Medical Database,

Social and Humanities Database

Life Sciences Database

Engineering and Basic Sciences Database

Access Address: https://trdizin.gov.tr/


Responsible Contact Information:

Şerife YILMAZ KILIÇ - Librarian

[email protected]

Tel: 0382 288 31 09