It is used to control student theses and to prevent plagiarism and illegal quotations.
Turnitin helps educators encourage original copywriting and deter plagiarism.
In the Turnitin system, an account can be opened only for academics who are thesis advisors, but not for students (undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students). However, academicians can add accounts for their students to the classes they create under their own accounts.
You can calculate according to the following sample formula for partial document uploads.
Our calculation to find similar words is as follows:
First part total number of words (A) x 11% = 6713
Second part total number of words (B) 8% = 3225
Third total word count (C) x 7% =4287
---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
Total Number of Similar Words (D) = 14225
Total number of words in the thesis: 162594
To find the similarity ratio;
Access Address: www.turnitin.com
Usage: It is used to automatically detect the copying (plagiarism) rate in articles that will only be produced at academic level, and our faculty members with a doctorate degree and above are given the right to use it.
Through the iThenticate system in accordance with the license agreement;
- Student homework, projects and theses should not be checked.
- The articles sent to the journal editors for publication should not be checked in our system by the editors.
We kindly request you to comply with the usage restrictions so that our university accounts are not blocked.
Access Address : http://www.ithenticate.com/
A subscription was provided to the Academic Plagiarism (www.intihal.net) database, which was produced in Turkey and used to determine the similarity rates of academic publications such as theses, articles, assignments, papers, projects, within the scope of EKUAL.
Access address: İtihal.net
Aksaray University academics and students who want to use the program can register with the Individual registration option and log in to the system at https://app.intihal.net after the approval of the administrator. Registration is made only with @aksaray.edu.tr or @asu.edu.tr e-mail addresses, registrations made with different e-mail addresses are not approved.
Note: The accounts we have opened on your behalf and their passwords are valid. You do not need to apply again.
İntihal.net Interface Usage Introduction video link: https://akademiktv.com/index.jsp?modul=coursedetails&videoid=2158