Aksaray University
Department of Library and Documentation

It is used to determine the rate of copying (plagiarism) in the articles to be produced at an academic level. The plagiarism prevention program iThenticate provided by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM has been made available to the academic staff of our university with the titles of Doctors, Doctors, Associate Professors and Professors. In accordance with the provisions of the license agreement, the program cannot be used to detect plagiarism in student assignments and theses, and users' accounts are closed if they are found to be used. For this reason, our academicians should not upload their thesis and student assignments to the relevant system.

We kindly ask you to comply with the usage restrictions so that our university accounts are not blocked.

Required information for membership: Department, name-surname, title, internal phone and corporate e-mail

Click for Quick Start Guide

Click for the Similarity Report Guide

Access Address : http://www.ithenticate.com/


Responsible Contact Information:

Şerife YILMAZ KILIÇ - Librarian

[email protected]

Tel: 0382 288 31 09