Aksaray University
Department of Library and Documentation

                                                                    AKSARAY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND DOCUMENTATION DEPARTMENT

                                                                              Donation Publication Policy

• The publications to be donated should have the qualifications appropriate to the University Library's objectives and education program, have not lost their current and scientific characteristics or should support the researchers socially and culturally.

• Publications of newspapers and newspapers are not accepted as donations.

• It is unacceptable to donate publications drawn physically clean, skin torn, pages missing, stamped, notes drawn.

• In terms of content, directing people, political etc. Publications that include propaganda are unacceptable.

• Periodicals; Publications that do not provide unity of skin within themselves, publications that do not provide integrity with the present collection, individual editions and separate editions of articles cannot be accepted as donations.

• Primary school, high school textbooks, duplicators, photocopies, lecture notes, pirated printing etc. publications and materials showing properties cannot be accepted as donations.

• For donors, a special collection or shelf cannot be created in the library to disrupt the integrity of the collection. But if the donated publications form a rich collection of rare works, a special section can be created. The decision on this matter is given by the Rectorate.

• The library management has the authority to add donations, add to the collection and decide where and how to place it in the library.

• The donations are accepted by the Library and Documentation Department.

• The donation of the donated resources to the inner cover of the Library and Documentation Department is marked as ve donation by .............. •.

• In case the publications are not shelved or added to the collection, the authority and rights related to sending them as donations and exchanges to the library or other units belong to the Library and Documentation Department.

• Donors cannot make any rights or requests for donations.

• Donation from the book etc. The priority of the necessary procedures for the material to be ready for service is in line with the library's provision policy. In accordance with the procurement policy, the instructors, students, etc. book purchased with user requests etc. material takes precedence.

• Committee members responsible for the Library Donation Policy cannot act outside this policy. Except for the koşul Donation Publication Policy. Described above. non-political claims are unacceptable.